
Ahhh to be a kid again

Man I wish I was a kid again, not giving a fuck about anything. No responsibilities, get to be a dumb zombie and play video games. Oh, but it's a different generation you say. You're right, a generation that can't stand up to politicians, can't govern themselves, can't make their own decisions, can't exercise without the fear of lawsuit, can't play sports like they are meant to be played, can't claim to be the smartest country or the most prosperous.

If my granddad were alive, he would whoop my ass for letting my kids be so lazy and have virtually no responsibility. Each time I try, their mother doesn't make them follow up. So do I keep trying? The movie idiocracy is going to be proven right.


State of the Union

Well, I didn't hear anything new compared to the ones I have ever heard before. A bunch of no answers and unrealistic dreams. Not ideas, dreams. Thanks Obama for the great quotes I got out of my dad watching your speech.

Politicians again

Obama has to go to bed laughing every night. Romney and Gingrich are squabbling like 4 year olds and not saying anything about Obama not what they would do if they got the job. If someone doesn't sit these two or just one of then in a room and says "look , either you turn your focus to what you actually want to do or you don't stand a fucking chance" then forget it. These two are turning so many people off and the media is gladly letting them destroy each other and play politics. Voters don't vote because they get turned off by the bickering. All this is music to Democrats ears.

So, Romney and Gingrich, shut the fuck up about the little shit that means nothing for November and start concentrating on November. Please or we will have 4 more years of Obama.


Being a good guy

I was the best to you, I provided for you without question. I provided and still provide for my kids. I may not be the best tempered dad, but I have never once abused my kids. I may speak loud, yell sometimes, not be compassionate, but fuck you for thinking I don't care about my kids and love them. I fucking gave you everything penny I had an still have, I gave you my soul and never got anything in return. Was I so bad of a dad that I still get the kids, I watched the kids so you go out and dance, party, drink and sleep who knows where. I was a little bitch of a pushover and you knew it, you knew I was so madly in love you could do what you wanted.

Do I have a temper with my kids, yes, was it all my fault, fuck no. Yeah, it is my job to fix my temper, but fuck you for not helping. I asked many times for help without a fucking response from you. We divorced because of my parenting, so you say, yet I am expected to be there and act like I am still a 100% full time dad? That makes no fucking sense.

I let you run my life for 9 years, not one time did I go out of my way to ask you for help, why you ask, because you wouldn't do it or tell me to do it myself.

I am sorry you are realizing that I was your money cow and now I'm not, but fuck you for making feel the way you do. I don't deserve you being a bitch at every turn. You need to step the fuck up, realize you asked for the divorce, not me and be a fucking single mother like you wanted. I am not tour patsy anymore.

Fuck you



Anyone know why it never seems like our elected Congress is never working? Well, they get 23 1/2 weeks of vacation a year. Oh, but they don't call it vacation, it's non-legislative work time. See, I have a very generous company and I get 5 weeks of non-company time. So let's do some basic math, there are 52 weeks a year, they take VACATION for 23.5 of that leaving "work" weeks at 28.5. Ok, they get paid $193,400 a year for 2011, divided by 28.5 weeks is over $6,700 a work week. Let's now take that and divide by 40 hours a week, I know, 'yeah right' but I have to give them the benefit of the doubt don't I? Fuck no, but I am.

So $6700 / 40 hours a week is about $169 an hour. Jesus, that's about the same as a sleezeball lawyer who ends up dead in a Porsche submerged in a canal with a much younger couple in the car. On top of salary and healthcare, they also get an expense account that can be 5-8 times their salary, do the math. I

So, now let's address Gabriel Giffords, who has stepped into Washington D.C. once in the last 12 months. Yes, she was shot in the head while campaigning on vacation (non-legislative time) one year ago today. In 12 months she has cast one vote, not been in one single committee meeting, not met with one single person who can or did vote for her, but has manage to have American taxpayers pay her $193,400 salary, benefits and millions in health care and travel. If she had any ability to serve her elected roll, she would have. I understand, "oh, but she was shot by a crazy man." yes, yes she was, but she is obviously not able to serve her elected role, so she have either resigned or been replaced in a special election. Just not like when Obama had to be replaced, that didn't end well for his hometown buddies who were playing politics as usual.

So, after all that what am I saying?

Politicians can say what they want about not 'asking' for all the benefits, but when was the last time you heard one step up an deny benefits, modify benefits or god forbid as their benefits are too exorbitant for what they need/deserve? They wonder why approval rates are so low or why they have a bad reputation. Well, they have worked very hard to earn those reputations.

Dear politicians paid by American tax dollars. Wake the fuck up an realize who pays the bills and respect those people. Otherwise fuck you, you don't deserve what you have.


Rich nation?

How can we be the richest nation on earth when we have more debt than the rest of the world combined? Our politicians don't give a shit, wanna know why? Well they are not paid to make needed tough decisions, they are paid to take vacations, bicker, as do what the rich few want and what THEIR ideals are. They do not listen to the people for one fucking reason. The people don't speak up. You want the nation we live in, the most prosperous in modern times to crumble to become a second world country? Well if we keep allowing our politicians to run around unchecked, keep re-electing them without question or condition, we will become a country of outsourced nation and were we do nothing for ourselves. Politicians campaign for months before their first test, tear each other apart as opposed to dealing with real issues that actually effect us normal folk, then drop out the morning after their first test. Are we ever gonna get a politician with some actual steel balls that can actually walk the walk. So many of these fuckers talk a big game, ten get tested and wilt faster than a paper pussy left in a rain storm.

Someone please step the fuck up, walk the walk and do some shit that actually matters. Why do you think people hate politics? It's because of the constant bullshit childish behavior and sense of entitlement and perceived respect. You earn respect and honor you dipshits. Yeah you Hypocrite Romney, Grinch, Silver Tongue Perry, Can't make a rational thought Bauchman, can't keep my hands to myself Cain, who is John Huntsman, and Santorum?

The only one who has a strong belief In what they say in Ron Paul. He is the only one who actually has rational thought, speaks the truth and doesn't waver on topics and be a pussy to poll numbers. I am not endorsing him in any way mainly since he has never done shit in Congress. None of these fuckers have done a goddamn thing that actually effects Americans in a way we can see.

All I can say is the downward slope we started with "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" , "it depends on what your definition of 'is' is?" and "oh that cigar I put in her pussy on my desk in the oval office" and "mission accomplished" will only continue until someone finds their balls and remembers why they were elected, and don't confuse that with why they ran for office. Those are two different things. You fuckers.