
Special edition

In the following, names have been changed to protect the retarded.

Email to the kids school from tonight from me.

"Mrs. Teacher,

I apologize that (my son) did not ask permission to use the free homework pass before using it. Unfortunately, to a parent that has not received an instruction manual on how to properly use a free pass, I was under the assumption it could be used on any days homework for that single days work. Now that we know this is not the case, I will ask first before using a free homework pass. I know it is late in the semester and we are still adjusting to the procedures you wish to have in your classroom. I have previously asked that if a note were truly needed to add a sticky note to the work, this is not occurring as tonight's assignment had a note on the sheet, thus defacing it for any future keepsake and also in his daily planner. This was completely unnecessary as a single note in the planner or a sticky note would have sufficed.

I want to assure you that as a parent of 2 students who have special needs that (your) School has greatly helped with, I do not intentionally skip, delay or adjust homework. It is a constant battle with homework which creates great stress at home with homework given on a constant basis.

Throughout this semester and past years there has been a severe lack of communication from the school and administration (which I have previously addressed) on what is truly expected and genuine understanding of a students home life and consideration of parents and schedules. It is primarily a parents role to educate their children with the assistance of teachers such as yourself and administrators such as Mrs. Principal, but good communication is still key. I have severely disagreed with many aspects of The (your) School and treatment of my two sons along with their mother and I. The school has a consistent poor tone and demeanor towards our children and our family. The past few years have been extremely hard on our family with a divorce, health scares and finances. Some of this information has been shared with the school but most has not. However, no matter our situation as parents, we have consistently bit our tongue and gone along with the treatment and tone displayed to our family. I believe since our requests as parents have fallen on deaf ears at this school, our only option would be to remove our sons along with their tuition dollars. Unfortunately at this time that is not an option, our sons have not been prepared for a public school environment, hence the continued need for Your School.

Our tuition is currently past due strictly as a measuring stick to our willingness to continue our relationship with Your School. As a family we are willing to continue to forge through the information battles as we have become accustomed to it. I believe it is in yours, the schools and our best interest if a better line of communication were established. Hopefully we can establish a better line of communication and next semester can not only get off on a right foot, but we will move forward.

Thank you,
The Ranter


I am just fuckin pissed, flat out bad mood, pissed. To all you fuckers out there that are just god damn asshole mother fuckers that lack a common sense cell in your body, FUCK YOU! For years, decades, centuries our culture has increased technology which is great, but also causes more trouble. Life isn't fair, I get that, but Jesus mother fucking Christ, can people seriously not think about shit? My grandkids will have no clue what common sense or thinking out of the box truly mean. Kind of like how my generation can't do a lick of math, next generations only get worse.

Schools are bad because of horrific politicians, horrible management of the school an uninspired teachers. If my granddad were alive he would kick my ass, then go to my kids school, kick the schools ass, the. Kick anyone's ass who said he was wrong and not being polite. Polite only gets you nice remarks, it doesn't do a damn thing web it comes to fixing a situation or finding a resolution.

Come on you fucking humans, let's get our balls back, quit worrying about upsetting people and get shit done.

One of the worst acted movies I have ever seen was Idiocracy, but it has the best message of all time. If our world continues on this path, in 200 years we will all be retarded because smart people didn't reproduce like rabbits and education didn't mean shit.




I want to congratulate Tiger Woods for his win today. In case you didn't know, today he won his first golf tournament in two years. The first one since the threw his life down a fucking toilet. Jesus Christ was he not one of the dumbest pieces of shit in history? You have (correction: had), a woman that a gay guy would drool to fuck, lesbians would kill for and any straight man dreams of from magazines from when they snook Playboys from theirs moms nightstand. I mean seriously, one of the hottest women in history and you had to throw it all away for some ugly ass women. If they were hot, well I would still call you a piece of shit, but at least I could see whatever it was you saw attractive in those whores. Yes, they were whores. They knew he was married, fucking liars if they claim otherwise or dumber than a box of broken retarded nut size pebbles.

So congrats to Tiger Woods for losing sponsors, your smoking hot wife and your kids being an ocean away.

Oh and congrats on your win, now you can go home and celebrate with ... Um... Your dog?


Dumb ass

If you are so fucking incompetent that you do not know the basics of you job and you have more tenure than others that are wayyyyy above you knowledge capacity, then you deserve whatever you get. If you are dumber than a broken box of shattered shit rubbed in kerosene lit on fire and shit on again rocks, then you need to own up to the fact you are a Dumbfuck McFuckbrain.

I mean seriously, I can't do my job and have to wipe your ass and drooly face from how small your mental capacity is. My fucking dog can do your job better and he is half retarded and has no thumbs. HE HAS NO THUMBS!!! So why should I have to wipe yours also?

Grow the fuck up, realize you are a broken piece of peanut on a fossilized hunk of monkey shit and leave me the fuck alone with you retarded questions you stupid god damn fuckbrain.

Please and thank you



Our kids spend more time in school than at home for 180 days a year. They are exposed to all different people, fellow students, teachers, administrators and other parents. Our schools talk a big game on stopping and opposing bullying. Our legislature creates meaningless bills and laws around bullying. Politicians and administrators hold press conferences, news organizations show reports and pleads.

What people don't realize is that these "professionals" don't know shit on how to effectively tackle an issue they truly don't understand. If these "educators" or "politicians" want to truly get to the root of the problem, the PARENTS. Jesus Christ, where do you think gets learn and taught it's ok? If you want the kids to stop bullying or being bullied, you have to start at home.

Stop passing useless laws and touting them. Stop doing reports on what can be done about bullying. How about we start reporting in the parents and kids who encourage or don't stop bullying? How about going after the actual problem as opposed to sitting back and making bullshit decisions that you know mean nothing?

Any politicians or educators wanna dispute that?


Ugly babies

That's it. There are ugly babies, if you don't think so, fuck you, you're an idiot.


Occupy "insert city"

Ok, I completely 100% understand what you are arguing for, but! But you need to realize that the way you are demonstrating is actually retarding your point. You are completely unorganized, completely blaming the wrong people, an completely fucking stupid on how to protest. For one I completely agree, there are too few people who control too much money, but guess what, that is worldwide. Does a CEO of a failing company need to be paid 7 figures, no. What the "99%ers" need to realize is that you don't claim to be downtrodden and pull out your iPhones, do see Somali kids (who know hardship) taking pictures while holding a chicken leg do you? If you want to protest represent yourself, not me.

You wanna protest the 1%, go protest Congress. Who makes the rules, takes "donations", and visits the 1%? You need to take your dysfunctional protest and go to Washington D.C., your state capital building, local government. Also, please stop bullshitting everyone.

Just stop being retarded and hippie douchebag hipsters.


School district lines

Ok Denton ISD, let me get this straight. You have sole discretion over which school my kids would attend, I have none. You have sole discretion over where schools are needed and built, but build where land is donated. You have the sole fucking authority to not think with common sense but with stupidity that makes your first graders eligible for school board. So, currently my kids live in a neighborhood where the land was given from one district (Argyle) to a poorer district (Denton) to comply with the fucking retarded Robin Hood of giving money or district land to the state. So Argyle gives land to the Denton district to comply with punishing richer districts and my kids neighborhood was the only area given up. Ok, so for the kids in our neighborhood to get to school they pass all schools in Argyle, they drive another 6 miles to get to school. Fucking thank you assholes. Now, because the fucking idiots who made "educated" decisions want to make another change. Instead of all kids going to schools that are right near each other 7miles from home, let's split them up. So, now elementary will travel not to the TWO schools that are closer and right next to the middle school, they will go now 6 miles to the northeast, while middle school goes 7 miles southeast and high school goes 14 miles north. Keep in mind they are currently all bundled together within a mile, 7 miles away past another entire school district.

Moral of the story, common sense is a greater weapon and tool than being edumacated and in "important" roles that give you the thrill of making decisions that don't make sense. Way to go Denton ISD, way to show that poor grades start at the top and trickle down. Thank god the school board doesn't have to take the standardized tests.



Ok PETA, I have a question. You are now turning your so misguided aim at Nintendo. Mario promotes wearing fur because Mario wears a squirrel costume? Are you fucking kidding me? You people are so fucking stupid you can't see that your message gets lost because you are to stupid to understand your critics. can you seriously act like grown ups any time soon. You people are fucking stupid, are you all vegans? Is milking a cow unethical? Why is it that I have to be unfairly having to hear your misguided message? Can I call you next time I see a dead bird and you come give it a proper funeral? You people need to grow up, give your message to your cult followers and let us live our lives. I hope I don't promote animal cruelty by giving my dog a haircut, since you know, it isn't natural to use electric clippers on dog hair.


Child molesters

Ok, how much does a bullet cost, what $0.50? How much does it cost per year to house an inmate $40000? If you are a child molester, rapist or any type of sexual predator then fuck you. If there is evidence to show that you are an asshole of this degree, you get your trial, found guilty, take you out back and $0.50 later, tadaaaaaa. This is for those with good evidence, not circumstantial.

Sexual predators cannot be rehabbed, period. Fuck you doctors and physcho bullshit spewers, they can't be. Bullets are the only way that sexual predators learn to stop being predators.

To all those victims I am sorry for your pain, the human race has let you down if your attacker is still alive.

No apologies

So I need an outlet for frustration and just my rumblings. I make no apologies for what I say or how you feel. If you don't like what I say, I respect that, but respect my opinions also. I am not politically correct, nor do I plan to be. So let the fun begin.