In the following, names have been changed to protect the retarded.
Email to the kids school from tonight from me.
"Mrs. Teacher,
I apologize that (my son) did not ask permission to use the free homework pass before using it. Unfortunately, to a parent that has not received an instruction manual on how to properly use a free pass, I was under the assumption it could be used on any days homework for that single days work. Now that we know this is not the case, I will ask first before using a free homework pass. I know it is late in the semester and we are still adjusting to the procedures you wish to have in your classroom. I have previously asked that if a note were truly needed to add a sticky note to the work, this is not occurring as tonight's assignment had a note on the sheet, thus defacing it for any future keepsake and also in his daily planner. This was completely unnecessary as a single note in the planner or a sticky note would have sufficed.
I want to assure you that as a parent of 2 students who have special needs that (your) School has greatly helped with, I do not intentionally skip, delay or adjust homework. It is a constant battle with homework which creates great stress at home with homework given on a constant basis.
Throughout this semester and past years there has been a severe lack of communication from the school and administration (which I have previously addressed) on what is truly expected and genuine understanding of a students home life and consideration of parents and schedules. It is primarily a parents role to educate their children with the assistance of teachers such as yourself and administrators such as Mrs. Principal, but good communication is still key. I have severely disagreed with many aspects of The (your) School and treatment of my two sons along with their mother and I. The school has a consistent poor tone and demeanor towards our children and our family. The past few years have been extremely hard on our family with a divorce, health scares and finances. Some of this information has been shared with the school but most has not. However, no matter our situation as parents, we have consistently bit our tongue and gone along with the treatment and tone displayed to our family. I believe since our requests as parents have fallen on deaf ears at this school, our only option would be to remove our sons along with their tuition dollars. Unfortunately at this time that is not an option, our sons have not been prepared for a public school environment, hence the continued need for Your School.
Our tuition is currently past due strictly as a measuring stick to our willingness to continue our relationship with Your School. As a family we are willing to continue to forge through the information battles as we have become accustomed to it. I believe it is in yours, the schools and our best interest if a better line of communication were established. Hopefully we can establish a better line of communication and next semester can not only get off on a right foot, but we will move forward.
Thank you,
The Ranter
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