
Who cares

Gay marriage, who fucking cares ( I don't)

Planned parenthood, who cares, they do more than abortions (which help you)

Concussions in the NFL, who cares, they knew exactly what they were doing.

Fake tits, who cares, natural feel better

Don't like meat or fur, who cares, just don't tell me what to eat an people to wear.

Who fucking cares what people do, just don't tell me what to do or what to believe or how to feel. Republicans claim to be conservative and smaller government, but ask for regulations on what we can do. Democrats what is to be able to have more freedom but with conditions. Fuck em both, they need to shut the fuck up, and let humans decide for themselves.


Oh bullshit

There are many crimes that deserve death as punishment. The human race is the only parasite on this planet that harbors the thought that natural selection is not correct. We have made the "right" to life a priority but not the requirement to behave. Do not get me wrong there is a huge difference with intent and severity. Am I saying that it's eye for an eye? Fuck no, but there has to be severe consequences for your crimes that destroy lives. If you rape a woman or girl intentionally and it's aggregated, lose your balls, period. Raping a woman or girl is not a simple crime. It destroys the whole family and effects her for life. She will always have trust issues, has lost her innocence, lost her smile. If you are some asshole that thinks you have a "right" to rape and violate anyone, lose your balls, period.

Women are treasures, they have to be treated that way.



Every single human being is profiled, some more prominent than others. This does not mean you have to actively try and fit that profile, take some fucking responsibility people.

If you don't want to be profiled, no matter the reason, the. Stop allowing yourself to be profiled.


Ahhh to be a kid again

Man I wish I was a kid again, not giving a fuck about anything. No responsibilities, get to be a dumb zombie and play video games. Oh, but it's a different generation you say. You're right, a generation that can't stand up to politicians, can't govern themselves, can't make their own decisions, can't exercise without the fear of lawsuit, can't play sports like they are meant to be played, can't claim to be the smartest country or the most prosperous.

If my granddad were alive, he would whoop my ass for letting my kids be so lazy and have virtually no responsibility. Each time I try, their mother doesn't make them follow up. So do I keep trying? The movie idiocracy is going to be proven right.


State of the Union

Well, I didn't hear anything new compared to the ones I have ever heard before. A bunch of no answers and unrealistic dreams. Not ideas, dreams. Thanks Obama for the great quotes I got out of my dad watching your speech.

Politicians again

Obama has to go to bed laughing every night. Romney and Gingrich are squabbling like 4 year olds and not saying anything about Obama not what they would do if they got the job. If someone doesn't sit these two or just one of then in a room and says "look , either you turn your focus to what you actually want to do or you don't stand a fucking chance" then forget it. These two are turning so many people off and the media is gladly letting them destroy each other and play politics. Voters don't vote because they get turned off by the bickering. All this is music to Democrats ears.

So, Romney and Gingrich, shut the fuck up about the little shit that means nothing for November and start concentrating on November. Please or we will have 4 more years of Obama.


Being a good guy

I was the best to you, I provided for you without question. I provided and still provide for my kids. I may not be the best tempered dad, but I have never once abused my kids. I may speak loud, yell sometimes, not be compassionate, but fuck you for thinking I don't care about my kids and love them. I fucking gave you everything penny I had an still have, I gave you my soul and never got anything in return. Was I so bad of a dad that I still get the kids, I watched the kids so you go out and dance, party, drink and sleep who knows where. I was a little bitch of a pushover and you knew it, you knew I was so madly in love you could do what you wanted.

Do I have a temper with my kids, yes, was it all my fault, fuck no. Yeah, it is my job to fix my temper, but fuck you for not helping. I asked many times for help without a fucking response from you. We divorced because of my parenting, so you say, yet I am expected to be there and act like I am still a 100% full time dad? That makes no fucking sense.

I let you run my life for 9 years, not one time did I go out of my way to ask you for help, why you ask, because you wouldn't do it or tell me to do it myself.

I am sorry you are realizing that I was your money cow and now I'm not, but fuck you for making feel the way you do. I don't deserve you being a bitch at every turn. You need to step the fuck up, realize you asked for the divorce, not me and be a fucking single mother like you wanted. I am not tour patsy anymore.

Fuck you